The Scheme Scam

What do I know?

Prop 8 passed just when humanity was starting to look brighter November 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — schemescam22 @ 11:36 pm
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My heart hurts for the people who cannot live their lives like any other Californian, let alone American. It doesn’t matter whether you like the idea of gay people or not. Many good homosexuals have been scattered throughout our world and cultural lexicon for 100s of years. It was never some gross indecency, or sodomistic act put forth by a mentally disturbed mind. In fact it was a natural biological (yes science!) attraction. Put it this way. Homosexuals are not rampant sexual cretins ruining people’s marriages, the sanctity of marriage and childhoods. In fact, the ratios of the number of “crazy” homosexuals to “normal” homosexual citizens is probably the same as the number of crazy straight people to normal straight people. Who are we to deny someone who is comfortable with someone else? That’s what it comes down to. Would you want someone to force you into something you weren’t? To not let you marry the person you love? To be constantly discriminated against for a personal thing?

And don’t give me that crap about how hard it will be for the kids! The youth has managed, the youth generally has the tendency to be progressive and adapt. And homosexuality is a reality, and you can’t deny it with a silly proposition. Sooner or later, your child will learn about gay people and learn that the fear you instilled in them was wrong. Just like future generations learned that slavery was wrong, and discrimination, and suppression of rights. They will learn that some of the most compassionate, generous, intelligent human beings in the world did not commit a crime, but were merely gay. And you will hang your head in shame for denying the rights of another human being. Learn from our previous mistakes, right what we once did wrong, and stop worrying about your shattered pathetic bubble and start worrying about real problems for goodness sakes. All those millions of dollars could have been put to better use like saving the economy, adjusting tax rates, feeding countries, establishing school programs etc than to oppose basic human rights.

No one can tell you what to think, but you have to decide. Is it really worth it fighting the tide? Because, homosexuality will not go away, and one day people will look at this Proposition 8 and be embarrassed that such propositions were passed on American soil.



Filed under: Uncategorized — schemescam22 @ 5:52 am
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Jessica Yellin, you’re my only hope.

Yay for Obama and Holograms. My how we are progressing.



That’s all you need to know. I cried when I saw the projection. CNN is awesome, thanks to Anderson Cooper for being with me throughout this whole whirlwind of an election. Visit the BBC site to see the front page. They have this electorate count which is so fun to watch Obama’s go to 297! Life is good. Life is good. He worked hard, he fought some intense politicians (McCain and Clinton) and showed that cynicism has nothing on HOPE!

I hope for the best.

I hope no one will take this moment’s impact in vain.

I hope Obama goes by his character in this presidency, which has brought him this far.

I hope non-Obama America will go past this and unite for a new, changed frontier. We are still one.

I hope everyone has a peaceful night, and enjoys the next four years (hopefully 8 if all goes well!!!)


Prix Pictet 2008: Water October 30, 2008

The Prix Pictet awards the world’s largest prize for amateur and professional photographers. This year, the topic of sustainability was directed towards water. Canadian photographer Benoit Aquin received the grand prize of £53,000 for his work capturing the effect China’s increased arable farming has on the aquifer and subsenquently the environment. I thought that was a very interesting since many photographers captured water in different ways, but he captured the effects of not having water. Here are his pictures and some others I found equaly captivating.

Carl De Keyzer

Benoit Aquin

Benoit Aquin

Munem Wasif

Munem Wasif

Susan Derges

Susan Derges



Holy crap, where do I begin? Let me just say it is really sad when a non-Indian director, Danny Boyle, does more justice to REAL India than most Indian filmmakers today. Danny Boyle is the director of modern classics such as 28 Days Later, Millions, and Trainspotting (which taught me not to do drugs more than my teachers did) and returns with this amazing film based in India.

I can’t say enough about this film. How about I start with a summary? Jamal Malik (a fantastic Dev Patel) grows up in the slums of India, and navigates through his torturous and thrilling life simply with one goal, to be reunited with his childhood love, Latika (Freida Pinto). And he discovers that possibly the only way to reunite with her is to go on the nationally beloved show, Kaun Banega Crorepati (which is the Indian Who Wants to be a Millionaire?). That overview seems so dry and flat, it definitely does not to justice to what the film displays.

This film is brought to greater heights by so many various aspects (the acting by EVERY single person is top-notch particularly Patel and the kids), but the director and screenwriter ultimately make this film. Simon Beaufoy, the writer for The Full Monty and other films, structures the film in such an absorbing and new way. Basically the film switches between Jamal on Kaun Banega Crorepati, and a background of his life and why he is able to answer all these questions. It’s a very smart way to engage the audience, there was more than one time where the audience was reacting viscerally to what was going on in the film. It’s a roller coaster emotional ride to say the least, one moment you are laughing hysterically at the character’s situations and then crying or fright for what’s at stake. It’s a testament to what good writing and structure can do a film. I’ll definitely be studying this screenplay for some pointers in the future, and I think the Academy should take note too!

And this fast-paced epic (yes I think it can be aptly named a mini-epic) definitely owes it’s power to Danny Boyle. The opening moments of this film are some of the best I’ve seen in a while, with so many swift crazy shots amalgamated into one exciting scene. Also, there are a couple of montages (not the dreadful Oscar ones), but really good montages set to a really great mix of A.R. Rahman and M.I.A (Oscar please! You gave one to that Mafia group, you can spare one for these people). It sounds confusing, but when you watch it, you’ll understand what I am trying to put it words. It seems nearly impossible, I suppose.

Danny Boyle filming at the Taj Mahal (great scene in the film!)

Danny Boyle filming at the Taj Mahal (great scene in the film!)

I was initially ambivalent about this film, but was bowled over. I can’t think of this film being in anyone else’s hands. Danny Boyle, the cinematographer, set designer, and pretty much anyone who worked on this movie to make it what it is, handled the slum situation in India beautifully. You can tell how in love Boyle fell in love with this contradiction that is known as India. I already knew about how life there was like, but it was great to walk out of the theater, and hear people say “That was a great movie, but damn I didn’t know that people lived like that.” It says something about your filmmaking skills when you can produce a movie that people can truly enjoy and get lost in, while getting a reality check at the same time. So even though I am upset that this film got an R rating (how could The Dark Knight get PG-13 and this didn’t?), I really really urge you to go see this film. I definitely say it is the best film, besides Wall-E, that I have seen all year, and you will truly be missing out on this award-worthy classic if you don’t.



Yes, taunt us with yet another exciting trailer, and make us wait until July 2009. How sweet and considerate to think of the little people, Warner Brothers. Anyways, this trailer looks fantastic (save for the annoying high-note emo opera woman in the beginning…what is up with them being in every dramatic trailer?) and thrilling and dark and dramatic and fun. Of course, nothing compared to the books, but still a brilliant series. I liked the shot of Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) kissing Lavendar and Harry thinking a girl was into him. Nice playing into the teenage hormones aspect of the book. Nice. Hopefully there’s not too much of that, I’m a girl, and I know Harry Potter is the best in its action and mysterious magic, not teenage angst and love. Enjoy.



10 reasons why I’m not excited for Twilight. Sorry, half of this world. October 25, 2008

1) I barely got through the first book. I stuck through hundreds of pages of “romantic vampire tension” to find no resolution and instead the most annoying “to be continued” ever. Seriously, learn a thing or two from Harry Potter about cliff hangers.

2) The movie trailer is laughable. I’m sorry, but that opera woman in the beginning just didn’t do it for me. Neither did the slow pace of the trailer. The hilarious shot of the vampires fighting (aka squatting off) looked ridiculous and I can’t imagine how awkward shooting that scene was. I’ll try to get a screen shot. Oops, too blurry.

3) They are turning two of my favorite youngsters into Teen Hollywood idols.  And it just doesn’t make sense. Sure they fit their parts well, but something’s off. Not that I know them or anything, but Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson do not seem the types to handle intense fame so much. What happened to the Kristen Stewart in Into the Wild? Hopefully this is a publicity film, so they can be more noticed and do more movies they want to do later. But what do I know right?

4) I’m more excited for Little Ashes with Robert Pattinson, Javier Beltran, and Matthew McNulty. It’s kind of a heightened biopic of Salvador Dali’s (Pattinson) relationship with Federico García Lorca (Beltran) and Luis Bunuel (McNulty…yes!). Now even though I wish they picked Spanish actors, I’m not complaining about their current casting choices. Pattinson has surprising depth that probably won’t be showcased too much in Twilight, and I am insanely excited for the portrayals of Lorca and Bunuel. Now they were fascinating men.

Beltran and Pattinson...Now thats a good picture

Ahhh love...Now that's a good picture

5) People say Twilight is better than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Watchmen, The Sandman, the Golden Compass…etc etc. All those books/graphic novels kick Twilight’s ass, in one aspect…quality…and then some

6) Those mom’s are creepy. I must admit, they are fascinating and I love reading about them. Are they living vicariously through their daughters’ (and sons’) love for these books? Are they so sexually frustrated they find satisfaction in a glittering manboy? Can they scream as loud as their daughter counterparts?? The burning questions I have that repulse me at the same time!!

7) Actually, when I think about it, I like everyone who is involved in Twilight. I only wish they were making another movie. Nikki Reed was insane in Thirteen, and Catherine Hardwicke was “edgy” directing that film. Cam Gigandet is smoldering onscreen, and the other actors whose names I don’t know seem affable.Everyone is so invested in this phenomenon, and as much as I applaud the effort, my heart hurts at the idea that they could have spent such admirable effort on a good piece of material.

8 ) Perez Hilton likes Rob Pattinson partying it up apparently…how lovely?

9) Stephanie Meyers seems nice…and it’s so thoroughly confusing that she would write this book.

10) I don’t know…I…Where is the appeal? I understood the appeal of Juno…but is there some hormonal aspect I’m unaware of that attracts teens and menopausal women? I hate bashing books or films, because someone somewhere put their heart into it…so I’ll just put it this way: I’m just not into it and I don’t understand why everyone else is. I’ll skip this movie thanks and go watch Slumdog Millionaire.

NOW DON’T HATE ME TWILIGHTERS, I’m just stating my meager opinion and I’m not forcing it upon you, so don’t force your opinions/angry comments on me. 🙂



I just saw Mike Leigh’s newest film today and I was so in love with it, I had to write about it immediately. Damn, I needed this movie right now and I have a feeling the whole world does too in these times. Forget about the love in the seventies (which we all know about too well), the love this movie exudes is overwhelming. I loved Sally Hawkins in the BBC adaption of my favorite Jane Austen book, Persuasion. She fit that morose, rejected lover so well, and to see her take a complete turn as a happy-go-lucky optimist is phenomenal. The film is simply a character study around her life, and her encounters with all sorts of people, and how she holds herself through the situations. The other actors also disappear into their roles, probably thanks to Mr. Leigh’s notorious extended character rehearsals. And the film is so simple, you forget it is a film. It reminds me in a way of Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. All these films have a laid back quality where the audience feels like an eavesdropper. It’s not a bad thing, of course(well maybe in real life), but it allow the audience to connect freely with a character through their dialogue and interactions with other.

Often, people think the more epic a film, the more important it is. But if you watch this film, you will see that notion turned on its head. I honestly think it could change some people’s minds, maybe just a little bit. Possibly wipe out a cynical comment or two (not that i oppose cynicism), but just generally reduce this pessimism which can ruin our lives and our environment. Anyways, this film in a nutshell, was…well I will just quote Poppy as she talks to her roommate Zoe (a fantastic Alexis Zegerman).

Zoe: “You can’t make everybody happy”

Poppy: “There’s no harm in trying”

Such a cliched phrase that is reinvigorated by this charming, to say the least, film.


Saturday Night Live: Bush Endorsement with WILL FERRELL WOOT WOOT October 24, 2008

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Well that was unexpected and freaking brilliant. Gosh, I miss the days of Ferrell living it up on Saturday Night Live. It’s funny, he was a bit more low key and raspier as President Bush, which might say something about Bush’s current “i don’t give a shit” state of mind. Just get it done, you know? But I’m probably looking way too into it as usual.

Anyways, loved the  bit as Todd bringing in a reluctant McCain (Hammond). And Tina was on top of it as usual.

Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler had some good zingers, and Amy’s Plumber joke that was “full of crap” took a moment with the slow crowd. She waited, and then they laughed, and some gorgeous knowing smiles came on her and Seth Meyer’s silly faces (couldn’t you get lost in that dimpled smile of Meyers?) Ah audience…Andy Samberg and Fred Armisen cracked me up with that childish humor once again. Just watch Armisen’s political map guy, and see how much fun he actually has with that crazy piece of Political Map Equipment. That’s not acting, that’s joy. And yes I admit, I was jealous. That seemed incredible. And Andy puking while being a youth voting consultant was disgustingly amusing. And I liked the cameo of Jorma Taccone (1/3 of the Lonely Island) as a sound guy who also pukes. So stupid, yet soo satisfying.

Anyways SNL never fails to me, and this is why. It’s one big family, and no one seems to hate the idea of coming back, despite any differences. They have fun, and it shows. Keep it up, and I can’t wait for more “silly satire”.


Franklyn Early trailer!

Filed under: Uncategorized — schemescam22 @ 2:12 am
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Well here it is. 


What can I say? It could go either way for me, and frankly Ryan Phillippe doesn’t fit the role as much as I hoped. Phillippe’s character is strikingly similar to Rorchach from Watchmen, with the whole loner vigilante with a funky mask thing going on. Oh well, this is just a trailer, and the story still seems fascinating.  Asides from that, I was disappointed to not hear Sam Riley’s character speak in that raspy voice, but the few shots of him were heartbreaking. His character, Milo, is supposed to be lovelorn, and well, he seems to pull that off well. I wanted to give the poor kid a hug, his eyes were so big and lost. And Eva Green, there are so many words to describe her. She’s a walking painting I think, especially the part where she lies on that red bed (which was cheesy i must say). But she makes it look ethereal. Many people think she is off-putting, but I think it is her unconventional style that makes her so alluring. So I guess my assessment of the trailer was that, if not for any other reason I would buy a ticket for the actor’s performances, but hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.

Both actors posing and looking very happy (well compared to their characters)

Both actors posing and looking very happy (well compared to their characters)