The Scheme Scam

What do I know?

WHO WATCHES the WATCHMEN? i do. November 14, 2008

Here’s the new TRAILER at MTV. OR check out the first, my favorite below

Alright, so if you pressed on this link, you are obsessed with Alan Moore’s graphic novel like me, you heard about it and wanted to know more, or you accidentally pressed on this link and thought “what a weird background”. Whichever one, don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed. The trailer enough can send one into a feverish excitement.



So I wanted to postpone my post on Watchmen until the actual film came out, but I recently went back and reread it for the fifteenth time after watching the trailer, and couldn’t hold back any longer. By the way, how awesome was Smashing Pumpkin’s song in that? Perfect! Anyways, where do you begin addressing the most phenomenal story to be made into a film this year (don’t start with me Twilighters, I’m a girl, and I can’t stand your squeals any longer…the enthusiasm is fine, just don’t cause others to go deaf). I think the right place to start is obviously the famous, eccentric genius Alan Moore (and Gimli lookalike). He published the book in two series in the mid 1980s to critical reception, but the film version wasn’t a tangled mess of rights, tension, and different production companies. There’s was a lot of tears. But aptly so, because Moore’s other novels such as The League of Extraordinary Gentleman and V for Vendetta did not deliver in terms of the quality adaption the films had.

Hippie Angry Gimli aka Alan Moore

The sad twist here is that he has denounced any film adaption of his book, but 300 director Zack Snyder and Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons truly believe in this film. After all that, no one could make amends and Moore has stated he will never see the film. Now, I respect Moore’s decision, a book is a writer’s baby. But I will be there March 6, 2009 in Imax to see that film whether it’s a steaming pile of shit baby or a superbaby. I have no qualms about the casting, save for the awkward casting of my beloved Lookout star, Matthew Goode as Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias. To that I reply, “Surprise me, please, like you have done before.” I can’t even begin to start with how inspired the casting of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as The Comedian was. And I saw Jackie Earle Haley in Little Children, and he creeped the shit out of me, so he doesn’t need to worry about that aspect of Rorschach. Patrick Stewart, also in Little Children, will be playing Nite Owl, Malin Akerman, a very beautiful lady, looked shall  “fly”? in her sexy suit. I wish I looked like that! I bet because of her there will be a lot of Silk Spectre 2s running around Comic Con next year (can your hear the comic geeks excitement?) And of the course, my favorite Dr. Manhattan played by Billy Crudup, who may be a self described “40 year old jackass” but is a great actor, and his transformation looks absolutely incredible. Check out this LINK for more info on how they did this transformation.

Nite Owl and Silk Spectre II kicking ass
Nite Owl and Silk Spectre II kicking ass

So that’s the update on the casting, director, etc. I highly recommend reading this novel. If you haven’t read comics books, this is a fantastic one to start with (even though it’s all downhill from there). I was always more of a BBC/TCM girl, but this blew me away and got me into a lot of other graphic novels far above the medium such as The Sandman or Animal Man or even American Splendor!

I think I’ll do a more “insightful” look into the novel when I am not such a lazy moron, but until then, remember “Go watch the Watchmen”.

Crudup becoming Dr. Manhattan

Crudup becoming Dr. Manhattan


Franklyn Early trailer! October 24, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — schemescam22 @ 2:12 am
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Well here it is. 


What can I say? It could go either way for me, and frankly Ryan Phillippe doesn’t fit the role as much as I hoped. Phillippe’s character is strikingly similar to Rorchach from Watchmen, with the whole loner vigilante with a funky mask thing going on. Oh well, this is just a trailer, and the story still seems fascinating.  Asides from that, I was disappointed to not hear Sam Riley’s character speak in that raspy voice, but the few shots of him were heartbreaking. His character, Milo, is supposed to be lovelorn, and well, he seems to pull that off well. I wanted to give the poor kid a hug, his eyes were so big and lost. And Eva Green, there are so many words to describe her. She’s a walking painting I think, especially the part where she lies on that red bed (which was cheesy i must say). But she makes it look ethereal. Many people think she is off-putting, but I think it is her unconventional style that makes her so alluring. So I guess my assessment of the trailer was that, if not for any other reason I would buy a ticket for the actor’s performances, but hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.

Both actors posing and looking very happy (well compared to their characters)

Both actors posing and looking very happy (well compared to their characters)